Books By Dolores Cannon: Get Enlightened With These Books

Dolores Cannon is a world-renowned hypnotherapist who has helped people resolve their past lives and clear emotional baggage. A few years ago, she decided to turn her attention to the topic of reincarnation, and the results have been astonishing. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some books by Dolores Cannon

Cannon has written several books on the subject, all of which explore different aspects of reincarnation and past lives. Cannon has also used this technique to explore the concept of reincarnation and the idea that our souls may be choosing our current situations and challenges in order to learn and grow.

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Books By Dolores Cannon Reviews 2024

Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth 

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If you’re at all interested in the idea of reincarnation, then I highly recommend reading this book. It’s one of the most eye-opening books on the subject that I’ve ever read. Dolores Cannon does an excellent job of explaining what happens after we die, and she provides a wealth of evidence to support her theories.

The first half of the book covers Cannon’s investigation into past lives. She presents case studies of people who have experienced past life regressions, and she offers compelling evidence that we all have lived many lives. The second half of the book delves into our current time period and discusses the shift that is taking place on Earth. Cannon believes that we are in the midst of a spiritual awakening, and she provides fascinating insights into what this means for humanity.

If you’re looking for a mind-blowing read that will make you rethink everything you know about reincarnation, then I highly recommend Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon.


-It is well written and easy to read.

-It provides a lot of evidence to support the theory of reincarnation.

-It covers a lot of ground, from past lives to the current spiritual awakening.


-It is quite long, so it may not be suitable for everyone.

Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit

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Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit by Dolores Cannon is an amazing book that offers readers a chance to communicate with the spirit world. Cannon has over fifty years of experience as a regression therapist, and in this book she shares some of her most incredible cases-including sessions with Jesus, Mary, and Buddha. The stories in this book are truly inspiring, and they offer readers a unique perspective on what happens after we die. Between Death and Life is an excellent choice for anyone who is interested in spirituality or in communicating with the dead.

Dolores Cannon is a world-renowned regression hypnotherapist who has been practicing for over 40 years. She specializes in past life regression, UFO encounters, and contacts with extraterrestrial beings. In this book, she shares the remarkable story of her work with a spirit who had been stuck between death and life for centuries. The spirit’s story provides an intimate view into the afterworld and sheds light on the spiritual nature of our existence. This book is a fascinating read that will open your eyes to new possibilities about our lives after death.


-Provides a unique perspective on the afterlife.

– It also offers readers a chance to communicate with the spirit world.



The Convoluted Universe: Book One

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The Convoluted Universe: Book One is a mind-bending, New-Age exploration of the universe and our place in it. Dolores Cannon, a regression therapist, uses her patients’ out-of-body experiences and past lives to explore the mysteries of existence. This book is a compilation of her findings, which are often shocking and always fascinating. If you’re looking for an armchair journey through the unknown, look no further than The Convoluted Universe: Book One.

The Convoluted Universe: Book One is a mind-blowing journey through time and space that delves into the mysteries of our existence. Dolores Cannon, a regression hypnotherapist, uses her unique gift to help people explore their past lives and uncover hidden truths. The book is based on her extensive case studies, which provide evidence of reincarnation and soul evolution. Cannon’s theories will change the way you see the world, and her compassion for her subjects shines through every page. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in spirituality, quantum mechanics or the afterlife.


-Explores the mysteries of our existence

-Based on extensive case studies

-Compassionate and well written


-Might be a bit heavy for some readers

The Custodians: Beyond Abduction 

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The Custodians: Beyond Abduction by Dolores Cannon is a mind-blowing journey into the unknown. This book transports you to another level of understanding and opens your eyes to the possibilities that exist beyond our three dimensional reality. Cannon, through her QHHT technique, regresses people into past lives where they offer up proof of an intricate and complex universe that we are only just beginning to understand.

This book was absolutely fascinating! I found myself completely engrossed in the stories of the people who had undergone regression therapy with Cannon. The detail and clarity with which they recounted their experiences was astounding. It is evident that Cannon has a gift for helping people connect with their past lives and release any trauma or blocked memories that may be holding them back from living fully in the present. This book has opened my mind to new possibilities and given me a greater appreciation for the complexity of the universe in which we live. Highly recommend it!


-The book is fascinating and takes the reader on a journey into the unknown

-It transports the reader to another level of understanding

-It opens the reader’s eyes to possibilities that exist beyond our three dimensional reality

-Dolores Cannon is gifted in helping people connect with their past lives

-The detail and clarity with which people recount their experiences is astounding



Search For Hidden Sacred Knowledge

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Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge is a book about the afterlife and reincarnation. Dolores Cannon has been able to communicate with people who have passed on to the other side, and she compiles their stories in this book. These accounts offer a wealth of information about what happens after we die, including where we go and what we do.

They also provide evidence that reincarnation is real, and that our souls never die. This knowledge can bring us comfort and peace in the face of death. It can also help us to make better choices in this life, since we know that there is more to come after it ends. If you are interested in learning about life after death, then Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge is a must-read.


-Offers a wealth of information about the afterlife

-Provides evidence that reincarnation is real

-Can bring comfort and peace in the face of death

-Can help make better choices in this life



The Convoluted Universe, Book 2

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The Convoluted Universe, Book 2 by Dolores Cannon is the sequel to her groundbreaking book, The Convoluted Universe. In it, Cannon expands on her theory that our reality is nothing more than a mental construct. She provides evidence for this theory through case studies of people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) and out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Cannon argues that these experiences offer proof that we are not limited to our physical bodies or this reality. She contends that we are all multidimensional beings who can access other levels of consciousness and realities beyond our own. This book is sure to challenge your beliefs about reality and open your mind to the possibilities of what lies beyond.

Dolores Cannon’s The Convoluted Universe, Book 2 provides readers with an in-depth look at the works of the 20th century psychical researcher and hypnotherapist. Cannon delves deep into her research to explore topics such as out-of-body experiences, time travel, reincarnation, and more. She offers explanations for phenomena that have long been considered impossible, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the paranormal.


-The book provides readers with an in-depth look at the works of a psychical researcher and hypnotherapist.

-Cannon delves deep into her research to explore topics such as out-of-body experiences, time travel, reincarnation, and more.

-She offers explanations for phenomena that have long been considered impossible, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the paranormal.


-The book is dense and can be difficult to read for some people.

Five Lives Remembered

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Dolores Cannon’s latest book, Five Lives Remembered, is a work of nonfiction that documents the author’s regressions with five different people. Each individual recalled lives from different periods in history and offered unique perspectives on the past.

Cannon has written extensively about reincarnation and offers compelling evidence for her conclusions in this book. She provides transcripts of her sessions with each subject, along with commentary from other professionals who have studied reincarnation. This volume is an excellent addition to Cannon’s body of work and will be of interest to anyone exploring the topic of reincarnation.


– Well written and documented

– Provides compelling evidence for reincarnation

– Offers unique perspectives on the past


– May be of interest only to those exploring the topic of reincarnation

The Convoluted Universe, Book Four 

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The fourth book in the Convoluted Universe series by Dolores Cannon, The Convoluted Universe, Book Four takes you on a journey through time and space. This mind-blowing volume delves into the mysteries of the universe and our place in it. Cannon examines reincarnation, extraterrestrial life, and more, providing startling evidence for her theories. If you’re looking for a spine-tingling read that will make you question everything you know about reality, look no further than this book.

The Convoluted Universe, Book Four continues the journey of Dolores Cannon as she explores the mysteries of the universe. In this volume, Cannon delves deeper into ancient teachings and hidden knowledge to explore some of the most puzzling questions about our existence. She provides new insights into topics such as time travel, parallel universes, and past lives. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the universe and our place in it.


-Gives a deep dive into the mysteries of the universe

-Provides new insights into topics such as time travel, parallel universes, and past lives


-May be too dense for some readers

Legacy from the Stars

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Legacy from the Stars is a book about reincarnation and past lives. Dolores Cannon has been a hypnotherapist for over 50 years, and in this book she discusses her findings from interviewing people who claim to have memories of past lives. Cannon’s approach is open-minded and non-judgmental, and she provides detailed case studies that support her theory of reincarnation. This book is interesting and well-written, and it will make you think about the possibility of life after death.

If you’re a fan of New Age spirituality, then you’ll love this book! Legacy from the Stars is a compilation of Dolores Cannon’s hypnotic regression sessions with people who have claimed to be reincarnated. These stories will fascinate and amaze you as they recount lives and experiences on other planets, in other dimensions, and beyond. Cannon’s expert questioning uncovers surprising details about our universal past and future that will leave you pondering the mysteries of existence.


-Well written


-Makes you think about the possibility of life after death


-May be a bit too New Age for some

Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 2

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Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 2 is a continuation of the work begun by Dolores Cannon in Conversations with Nostradamus. This time, she uses her skills as a regression hypnotherapist to help people communicate with the spirit world. The book is full of detailed transcripts of conversations between Cannon and various spirits, who offer their insights on topics such as the future of our planet, the end times, and humanity’s purpose in the universe.

This book is chilling, uplifting, and fascinating all at once. It contains many prophecies that will make you reconsider your views on life and death, and it offers hope for a better future. If you’re looking for an enlightening look into the other side, then this is definitely the book for you.


-Chilling, uplifting, and fascinating all at once

-Contains many prophecies that will make you reconsider your views on life and death

-Offers hope for a better future


-May be difficult to believe some of the prophecies

A Very Special Friend

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A Very Special Friend is a compilation of case studies from Dolores Cannon’s extensive career as a regression therapist. She has worked with individuals who claim to have lived past lives, and the stories contained in this book are some of the most remarkable and mind-blowing she has ever heard. From accounts of people living as different genders in different lifetimes, to memories of being burned at the stake as a witch, these stories will astound you.

What makes them even more compelling is that each one is backed up by irrefutable evidence, including photos and documentation. If you’re looking for a change in perspective, or simply want to explore some truly amazing stories, then look no further than A Very Special Friend.


-Compilation of case studies from Dolores Cannon’s extensive career as a regression therapist.

-Stories are remarkable and mind-blowing.

-Each one is backed up by irrefutable evidence, including photos and documentation.



A Soul Remembers Hiroshima

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Dolores Cannon is a well-known regression hypnotherapist who has written many books on the subject of past lives and reincarnation. A Soul Remembers Hiroshima is her account of regressions she conducted with people who claimed to be from Hiroshima at the time of the atomic bombing.

The book provides a detailed, first-hand account of what life was like before, during, and after the bombing. It also sheds light on the spiritual aftermath of such a traumatic event. This is an informative and eye-opening read for anyone interested in reincarnation or the soul’s journey through life.


-Gives a detailed, first-hand account of what life was like before, during, and after the bombing

-Shows the spiritual aftermath of such a traumatic event


-Might be too graphic for some people

They Walked with Jesus: Past Life Experiences with Christ

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They Walked with Jesus by Dolores Cannon is a compilation of case studies from people who have experienced past lives. These stories offer a unique perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The author presents each account in an easy-to-read format, making this book perfect for anyone interested in alternative perspectives on Christianity.

Each story is accompanied by insights and analysis from Cannon, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of these sacred experiences. Cannon has over 50 years of experience as a professional regression therapist, and her insights are sure to provide deep insight into the nature of reincarnation and Christian theology.

This book is sure to be an enlightening read for anyone interested in spirituality or Christianity. It provides a fresh perspective on one of the most popular religions in the world, and offers new insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ.


-Compiles case studies of people who have experienced past lives

-Offers a unique perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

-Author has over 50 years of experience as a professional regression therapist

-Insightful and comprehensive analysis of these sacred experiences


-May be difficult to read for some readers

Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 1

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Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 1 by Dolores Cannon is an interesting and informative read. The book is a collection of transcripts from Q&A sessions that Cannon had with the famous seer, Nostradamus. In these conversations, Cannon tries to get to the bottom of some of the prophecies that have puzzled historians and skeptics for centuries. She takes a holistic approach to understanding Nostradamus’ quatrains, looking at them in light of both his personal life and the historical events of his time. The result is a fascinating peek into the mind of one of history’s most enigmatic prophets.

Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 1 by Dolores Cannon is a masterpiece of spiritual literature. This extraordinary book documents the author’s conversations with the famous prophet, Nostradamus, and his exploration into his prophecies. The detailed analysis of each prophecy will leave you in awe as you see how meticulously they have been foretold. Cannon’s unique approach to divination and her gift for deciphering cryptic messages make this an essential read for anyone interested in the future of our world.


-The book is a collection of transcripts from Q&A sessions that Cannon had with the famous seer, Nostradamus.

-In these conversations, Cannon tries to get to the bottom of some of the prophecies that have puzzled historians and skeptics for centuries.

-She takes a holistic approach to understanding Nostradamus’ quatrains, looking at them in light of both his personal life and the historical events of his time.

-The result is a fascinating peek into the mind of one of history’s most enigmatic prophets.



Conversations with Nostradamus – Volume Three

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Conversations with Nostradamus – Volume Three is the third book in a series of conversations with the famous French seer, Nostradamus. This time, his alleged predictions focus on events that will take place in the 21st century.

Dolores Cannon has been able to access and record these conversations by using her unique psychic abilities. She was able to sit down with Nostradamus and allow him to explain himself in his own words. This provides an interesting perspective on his visions and their meanings.

The topics covered in this book include global warming, war, natural disasters, and more. Each prediction is accompanied by explanations of why they will happen and what can be done to prevent them or lessen their impact. Cannon also includes her own thoughts about each vision and how it might play out.

This volume is a great addition to the Conversations with Nostradamus series and offers readers a glimpse into the future as seen by one of history’s most famous prophets.


-The book provides readers with a glimpse into the future as seen by one of history’s most famous prophets.

-The topics covered in the book include global warming, war, natural disasters, and more.

-Each prediction is accompanied by explanations of why they will happen and what can be done to prevent them or lessen their impact.

-Dolores Cannon’s unique psychic abilities provide an interesting perspective on his visions and their meanings.



Books By Dolores Cannon Benefits

If you’re looking for a way to improve your life, you should consider reading Books By Dolores Cannon. Cannon’s books offer a variety of benefits that can help you achieve success in all areas of your life.

One of the biggest benefits of reading Cannon’s books is that they can help you become more successful. Her books are filled with helpful advice and tips that can show you how to achieve greater success in your career, relationships, and other areas of your life.

Books By Dolores Cannon

In addition to helping you become more successful, reading Books By Dolores Cannon can also help you improve your health. Her books offer valuable information about natural health remedies and strategies that can help you feel your best and improve your overall health.

Finally, Books By Dolores Cannon can also help you expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. Her books are filled with fascinating information about history, culture, and other topics that can help you learn more about the world and the people in it.

No matter what your goals are, Books By Dolores Cannon can help you achieve them. If you’re looking for a way to improve your life, be sure to check out her books. You’ll be glad you did!

If you’re looking for a way to improve yourself, then I highly recommend reading Books By Dolores Cannon. Her books offer a wealth of information and benefits that can help you achieve success in all areas of your life.

Books By Dolores Cannon

Factors To Consider Before Buying Books By Dolores Cannon

When it comes to books by Dolores Cannon, there are several factors you need to consider before making a purchase. In this article, we’ll outline five of the most important ones so that you can make an informed decision.


Books by Dolores Cannon can be expensive, so it’s important to set a budget and stick to it. This will help ensure that you don’t overspend on something that may not be right for you.

Your Reason for Reading

It’s also important to consider why you want to read the books by Dolores Cannon. Are you looking for guidance? Are you curious about past lives? Or are you simply interested in her story? Knowing your reason for reading will help you choose the right book.


Not all books by Dolores Cannon are created equal. Some are better than others, so it’s important to do your research before buying anything. This way, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.

Books By Dolores Cannon

Read reviews

As with any other product, it’s always a good idea to read reviews before buying a book by Dolores Cannon . This will give you a better idea of what others thought of the book and whether or not it’s worth your money.

Your needs

Different people have different needs, and that goes for books by Dolores Cannon as well . Before making a purchase, ask yourself what kind of information you’re looking for and whether or not the book offers.

If you want to watch a lecture given by Dolores Cannon, this video is for you:

FAQs about Books By Dolores Cannon

What are Books By Dolores Cannon about?

Books by Dolores Cannon are about her work as a hypnotherapist and her research into past lives and the soul. She has written about 20 books on the subject, and many of them have been bestsellers.

What inspired Dolores Cannon to write her books?

Dolores Cannon was inspired to write her books after she had a life-changing experience while working as a hypnotherapist. She was able to help one of her clients remember a past life, and this led her to believe that there is more to our lives than what we can see in the present.

What does Dolores Cannon’s work as a hypnotherapist involve?

Dolores Cannon’s work as a hypnotherapist involves helping people to relax and enter into a state of trance, so that they can access memories from their past lives. She also uses regression therapy to help people heal from traumas in their current lives.

Books By Dolores Cannon

What are some of the topics covered in Books By Dolores Cannon?

Books by Dolores Cannon cover topics such as past lives, reincarnation, karma, and the soul. She also writes about her work as a hypnotherapist and how she uses regression therapy to help people heal from trauma.

What is the goal of Books By Dolores Cannon?

The goal of Books By Dolores Cannon is to provide information about her work as a hypnotherapist and her research into past lives and the soul. She hopes that her books will help people to understand themselves better and to find peace and healing in their lives.

What are the different types of books by Dolores Cannon?

There are many different types of books by Dolores Cannon, including the “Convoluted Universe” series, the “QHHT Practitioner Training Manual”, and the “Understanding Our Multi-Dimensional Selves”.

Do her books contain spiritual teachings?

Yes, her books contain spiritual teachings that can help people understand the universe and their own multidimensional selves.


Dolores Cannon has done an amazing job of piecing together the different aspects of our lives that make us who we are. Our top pick for the best one is: Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth 

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Her books provide a great opportunity for self-reflection and growth, and I would highly recommend them to anyone on a journey of personal discovery. If you’re looking for a way to better understand yourself and the world around you, pick up one of Dolores’ many books–you won’t be disappointed!

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