Knowing How Much Is A DJ Set Will Help You Save More Money

You want to become a DJ. However, because you are a beginner, you don’t want to invest too much money in it. Therefore, today, we will guide you to have the most reasonable price. You may know that a DJ set includes many different necessary parts. And each device will have multiple different prices-rates for many types of quality, the store, the brand, etc. Hence, knowing “ how much is a DJ set” is not easy.

Not only that, but they can also change depending on the users’ demand. Of course, it also has a large range of prices and costs for you to choose from. But you don’t need to be too worried about it. We think that these shares can help you a lot.

In addition, this is just the information for you to refer to. You ought not to depend on it too much. In this article, we will show you all things you need in a DJ set and their cost, consist of:

  • Will You Want To Rent Or Buy A DJ Set?
  • Necessary Components In A DJ Set
  • Check Their Price And Know “How Much is A DJ Set?”
  • Make Some Q&As
  • In General

Read it together right now.

Will You Want To Rent Or Buy A DJ Set?

You don’t have to own a separate DJ set to become a professional DJ. Hence, the first thing you should decide is if you will rent or get all-new DJ components for your career. It will be easy if you have good finances. You can get everything you want and it is a great advantage. However, if you want to rent, everything will also be fine. It will help you save a lot of money. And after that, when you are more successful, you can invest better in them.

Not only that, when you decide to rent a DJ set, you will have chances to try more types of each component, many brands, etc. at a cheaper cost. From that, you will know which you like most, which is the best for your style, and many other benefits from renting. In fact, you have many choices to own a DJ set, here we will gather 4 popular choices:

  • Get a new one if you have enough finance.
  • Choose to hire all parts in the case you like experiencing more.
  • Get second-hand equipment from stores or other DJs.
  • And the last one, you can also combine the 3 choices above to have the best DJ set for yourself.

And today, we will gather all the fees you need to pay when you buy new devices for a DJ set. If you don’t prepare your DJ set in this way, everything will be cheaper.

Necessary Components In A DJ Set

And before you know about the price, you have to know which thing you need to prepare to start the career of being a DJ. We find out that there are 8 essential things you have to have. They are a turntable, a mixer, a speaker, a controller, a DJ laptop, headphones, and some useful software.

Besides, you can also prepare some of these things: cables, lighting, carrying case, stand for laptop. However, we think that these 3 things will only be used in the case you perform in a show. It will not be necessary much when you are just a beginner and you usually practice in a room. And now, let’s go check the price you need to pay for all of them.

Check Their Price To Know “How Much Is A DJ Set?”

Main Components

Ok so now, we will check the 8 main components first. Because if you don’t have these 8 devices, your DJ set will not be enough to practice and perform well.

The DJ Laptop

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Do you know which thing you should have before all? That’s right, it is a laptop. And don’t be shy to invest in a great laptop. Because in addition to being a DJ, you can also use it for many other purposes. Besides, you need to know that a great laptop doesn’t have to be an expensive one.

Some main features that can create high-quality for a laptop or PC are its RAM and the processor. With the 8GB RAM and i5 processor, you will use it for more purposes without worrying about being lack empty in RAM or running slowly.

About choosing and deciding to get which laptop, it’s yours. You can see that an Apple Macbook can cost from $1000 to $2400. But an Acer one which still has a similar RAM and processor has the price of just about $750. Not only that, you can still save more money if you have had a great laptop or just got an older one. Therefore, we will let the cost of a DJ laptop be about $500-$2400.

The DJ Turntable

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Because the laptop is not the main thing which helps you make a DJ so this will be the first one. It is a DJ turntable. You will have many choices about the styles, the price, the size, etc. But it has 2 popular types for you: the direct-drive and the belt-driven. And the best selection may be the direct-drive one. The average price for each turntable is from $60 to $500. Almost all turntables will cost about $300.

Normally, professional DJs usually use 2 turntables because they will create a better sound. But for a beginner, we advise you to just use 1 until fluently first before using 2 turntables. Of course, you will pay twice the price – about $120 – $1000. In addition, if you choose the high-end one, its price can reach up to more than $2000. But it isn’t worth being invested too much like that.

The DJ Mixer

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Another thing that needs having is a mixer. Because its main task is to make your music smoother and more consistent, especially when switching between songs. Not only that, but new moderns of mixers nowadays are also equipped with many other functions such as adding some effects, tricks, etc. depending on the type, the brand, the model of the product. And all that is useful for a DJ.

The price range of a mixer that we see is extremely large from $50 to $2500. If a newbie is finding a mixer, you can just choose a $300 one. Due to it still has enough functions, Bluetooth-connection with other parts, and works effectively. If the cost is more than $2000, it is spent for other mixers which are high-ender and more luxurious. Thus, if you just start so far, we think that there is no need to get that.

The DJ Speaker

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The next thing which is equally important is a good speaker. Which can a good speaker create? Not only for you but also for audiences, it will give all the best sound that you create. And it is more important in the case you have to perform in front of many people.

Choosing a speaker depends on many aspects such as the style of your music: you usually play music with a strong rhythm or soft melody,  the volume, the sharpness, the size, and so on. Its price will be able to range from $50 to $500. And between them, you can still see the different details.

However, it doesn’t mean that the most expensive is the best for you. You just need to get a suitable one both about the quality and price.

The DJ Headphones

Another thing you need to have in a DJ set is the headphones. Do you wonder why you need headphones? The headphones will help you feel the rhythm, the music better. From that, you are able to combine them with each other more smoothly and more especially.

In the case you use it to practice, it will help you can do it comfortably without annoying people around. And when you perform, it supports to ensure you will not be affected by other sounds and control music best. Besides, the headphones are also one of the cheapest things in a DJ set, it will be about $30-$200.

Some criteria to choose great headphones are quality of sound, comfort, usage, design, size, etc. Although, there are still high-end items that can be up to $400. But we don’t think that it is worth it. So an ideal price is from $100 to $200 for a pair of headphones

The DJ Controller

Next, besides knowing how to use each device, you need to know how to control all components you have. That is also the reason why the next part in this list, we give you some information about a controller. In our opinion, we think that this is the most important thing.

You will have to know how to use digital formats to make the new sounds in a song. 2 popular types are the vinyl controller and digital controller for you to try. you can also find another one that is a combination of both digital and vinyl features. Not only that, but the controller allows you not to bring along too many CDs.

However, the difficulty is the price range of it is extremely large. Some are just $100, and some can reach up to $4000. Hence, you need to check the description of each one carefully before deciding to get it. Some additional nice features that can make the price of the controller higher are touchscreen, audio interface, special sound effects, and warranty.

Some Useful Software

how much is a dj set

You may think that everything is enough. Hmm, it is just quite enough. If you really want to practice becoming a professional DJ, you still need to invest in some useful DJ software. Actually, you can receive it if some pack of the controller includes it.

Otherwise, you need to pay some money for them. At first, you will consume much time and money to try different software. After that, you will need to pay money to maintain the software per month or year. And it cost about a few dozen or a few hundred dollars.

The DJ Microphone

The last thing in the part of the main components is the microphone. We place it at last because it is just necessary if you start performing. Hence, if you are a beginner and just want to prepare a DJ set to practice, you can skip this part.

But if you are preparing for performing, a wonderful microphone will help your performance be more impressive. And you also don’t need to invest too much in a microphone.

If a microphone is compatible with your laptop and speaker. In addition, it also ensures your voice is received and come through the speaker clearly and correctly, which is a nice item for your career. Therefore, you ought not to spend more than the headphones or a speaker.

Extra Components.

how much is a dj set

These extra components are not essential like the others above. They will help you do everything more comfortably. However, if you don’t have them, there isn’t any problem.

Cables And Lighting

Cables can help you hook all parts together. But it needs you to choose and use the correct one to make sure everything operates effectively. Normally, each device will have its own cables so you just need to prepare for some of them.

Next is the lighting, almost all stages are equipped with lighting before that. But because you are a beginner, you may work on small stages first, you need to have some lighting such as lasers, light bars, etc. to make the space more beautiful.

And they are not too expensive so we will guess it from $55 to $270 for both 2 of them.

The Carrying Case

A suitable carrying case is one that can hold all your devices. A carrying case should be compact, lightweight, large enough to hold things, and capable of protecting the devices inside. You can choose from many stores with different prices. The price range we found is between $90 and $400.

The Stand For Laptop

To hold the laptop tightly, you need a stand for the laptop. The best selection is the adjustable stand because you can use it everywhere. Not only that, with only $20, you can get a good stand easily. Why don’t you get one?

After reading all the information we shared, you may calculate how much is a DJ set. If you buy completely new all the equipment of a DJ set, it will cost you from more than $1100 to over $11000. But like we talked about at the first of the article, you can save a lot of the fee.

Make Some Q&As

how much is a dj set

Q: In Addition To The Fee To Get Devices, Which Things Should I Spend For?

A: You can pay about a few dozen dollars to get a new warranty or to extend the warranty and repair time for each device if you want.

Q: Which Parts Do I Can Skip If I Just Prepare A DJ Set To Practice?

A: If you just want to have a DJ set to practice first and save money, you don’t need to prepare some things such as the microphone, the cables, lighting, carrying case, and laptop stand. In the case you have a private room for practicing without worrying about disturbing anyone or anyone bothering you, you can skip both the headphones.

In General

Because the condition about finance of each person is different, each person can pay differently. Even though the average cost is $6000, you can completely decrease or increase it easily. For a new DJ set, “how much is a DJ set” will include these things:

Thanks for reading to the end of this article.

Hope all things we shared are helpful for you.

And also share it with your friends if they need it too.

See you next time.

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